Tuesday, December 3, 2019

CUCM DBReplication reset

When you reset dbreplication  you could check the status using 'utils dbreplication runtimestate'. you would be able to see number of of tables checked aganist the total of 706

Cluster Replication State: Replication status command started at: 2019-11-28-21-14
     Replication status command in PROGRESS. Checked 54 tables out of 706
     Last Completed Table: scratch
     No Errors or Mismatches found.

Cluster Replication State: Replication status command started at: 2019-11-28-21-14
     Replication status command in PROGRESS. Checked 118 tables out of 706
     Last Completed Table: functionrole
     No Errors or Mismatches found.

UC Data center movement

We had to shift our datacenter to another location. We had following components to shift from existing DC to new DC and business wanted to do it without any downtime and no additional cost apart from shipping the hardware.

UCS Servers
Expressway C and Expressway E

Following are the UCS and applications running on each UCS

C240 M4SX




We had multiple remote sites in the US region, so I have proposed to split it in two different DC's for geographical redundancy. We decided to ship ESXi01 initially and change the network to the new network. All the primary applications were running on ESXi01


1- Update new IPs in DNS Records,

2- New TFTP IP address need to be updated on AD

3- You can clone Publishers and can use it in case any emergency. However Cisco does not support Cloning and Vmotion

This is what I did pre and post shipment of ESXI01

1- Communicated to local team that During the esxi01 movement activity, VOIP cluster would in READ ONLY mode and cannot make any changes

2- Mannual back up and total registered phone count taken. " Show Risdb query phone " would give you the total registered and unregistered details. Including firmware, phone type, IP address etc.

3- few screen shots from RTMT and CIMC console to make sure there are no major alarms

4- Before shipping changed the ESXi IP address

5-Shipped UCS device via overnight courier service

6-Connected UCS and changed CIMC ( CIMC only for UCS management, this won't impact anything)

7-started with CUCM Publiser IP change followed by Subs

8- CUCM DB didn't sync automatically so I did 'utils dbreplication reset all' then cluster REPLICATION SETUP changed to  (2) Setup Completed. Before it was showing  (3)DB Active-Dropped

9- Then CUC and PLM, CUEAC IP's changed with out issues

10- UCCX we could not change due to bug CSCve59850, I had to open a TAC case to fix this issue, TAC made changes in the root. however later changing IP address UCCX system -> server were showing as 'UNKNOWN", TAC again made changes in the intraclustercomm.ips

11- Expressway we didn't face any issues. Created a new DMZ setup and assigned new IPs and NAT IP. 

12- CUEAC  You need to change IP from Regedit and update it in TSP as well


We didn't changed the hostname and Domain name of servers. 

We had procured new license only for UCCX. 

CUC and CUCM license were on PLM and you don't require new license when you make network changes for CUC and CUCM

CUEAC -  Since this is running on windows license will not be void after changing IP

Major issue faced

1- Home office user's phone got unregistered, it was trying to communicate only Primary CUCM. I had created a new Device pool for home office phone and then added only active CUCM 

CCX Historical Datastore Replicate status shows UNKNOWN

I have changed UCCX IP Address to new IP, later when I tried to generate CCX reports I couldn't get any data in the report.  We have redundant UCCX nodes and the secondary node was not shown in HR Datastore. Following are the steps I followed to fix the issue

Go to 'Cisco Unified CCX Serviceability' -> Tools -> Datastore Control Center -> Replication Servers -> Related Links -> Click Go  -> from Data Datastore select "Cisco Unified CCX Historical Datastore"

I didn't see my secondary node and Replicate Status was showing as ' UNKNOWN'

2-  Click on Synchronize Data -> Now the data will be start sync, you could check the progress -> move your cursor towards Info and click on specs Icon

Once the data sync Job status would be shown as 'Completed'

If this didn't fix the issue, check utils uccx dbreplication status from CCX CLI and perform utils uccx dbreplication reset

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Collect Expressway Logs

Collecting Expressway(EXP) Diagnostic Logs

Select Maintenance > Diagnostics > Diagnostic Logging

Check “Take tcpdump while logging” and select “Start new log”
Do this on both EXP E and EXP C and reproduce the problem.
Once the problem is reproduced, stop the Diagnostic logs on each EXP “Stop logging”
Click Download the logs to download it. Log will be download .tar format

The file name will be diagnostic_log_fclxpresswayx01_XXX. tar

Sunday, November 24, 2019

When publisher goes down, unable to recognize DTMF for the UCCX calls

I had to shutdown my publisher server and Primary Subscriber for UCS move to different DC. Due to this CUBE media resource got unregistered and it impacted UCCX  customer calls. The system was unable to recognize DTMF. The provider uses  RFC 2833 In a band and UCCX use Out of band, due to mismatch in DTMF you need MTP resource.

Provider -  RFC 2833 In band
UCCX Support only -  Out of band

I have changed following and media resource got registered back to CUCM and UCCX issue got fixed.

sccp ccm x.x.x.x identifier 1 version 7.0

sccp ccm group 1
 associate ccm 1 priority 1

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

UCCX Prompt Covert - Using Audacity

UCCX support only below format. You could convert the file using Audacity

·       Format: CCIT U-Law

·       Sample Size: 8-bit

·       Sample Rate: 8kHz

File>Export -> In the export dialog, choose ‘Save as type’ as  “Other uncompressed files

Format Options

Header = WAV

Encoding = U-Law

Sunday, October 20, 2019

FAX Setup Over SIP

You may encounter FAX issues when you convert PRI to SIP. Few steps to troubleshoot FAX related issues

1- From CUCM/ ATA side we need to make sure T.38 FAX Relay is selected

2- ATA following should be selected

3- CUBE Side

voice service voip
fax protocol t38 version 0 ls-redundancy 0 hs-redundancy 0 fallback pass-through g711ulaw
no fax-relay sg3-to-g3

4- Dial peer add following commands

fax-relay ecm disable
fax-relay sg3-to-g3
fax rate 14400
fax nsf 000000

5- Make sure on CUCM Region is properly configured. If ATA and CUBE are in two different Region, Make this two region codec is properly added.

6 -  CUBE you could enable following debugs to see what's happening for fax inbound and outbound

debug ccsip messages
debug voice ccapi inout
debug fax relay t30 all-level-1

Friday, July 5, 2019

Custom Windows 10 shortcuts

Here is two methods to create Custom Windows 10 shortcuts

Using Shortcut  

1-  In case if you wanted to access one particular excel (any application) file using RUN short cut Right click on blank area ->New ->Shortcut ->On next window you need to browse your file  -> Type a name for the short cut -> Press Finish

2- Cut that shortcut file and past in 'C:\Windows'

3 -  Open run cmd and type your shortcut file name

Custom Shortcut using CTRL+ALT

1- Enter 'explorer shell:AppsFolder' in Run

2-  In case you wanted to setup short cut for Notepad , Right click on Notepad -> Open file location ->Right click on the Notepad.exe application-> Properties -> Press CTRL and choose the shortcut letter
3-  To open the file press CTRL+ALT+ Shortcut letter

Monday, March 18, 2019

CUCM Media resourse usage from CLI

Following commands will provide media usage details from CUCM CLI.

show perf query counter "Cisco Media Streaming App" MTPStreamsAvailable
show perf query counter "Cisco Media Streaming App" MTPStreamsActive
show perf query counter "Cisco MTP Device" OutOfResources
show perf query counter "Cisco MTP Device" ResourceActive
show perf query counter "Cisco MTP Device" ResourceAvailable
show perf query class "Cisco MTP Device"

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Identify the last User login in CUCM


Enter file list activelog tomcat/logs/*

you will find localhost_access_log.txt text files , copy one of the file name

Enter file view  activelog tomcat/logs/localhost_access_log.txt

you could see the IP and user ID of users who logged in CUCM.