Friday, July 5, 2019

Custom Windows 10 shortcuts

Here is two methods to create Custom Windows 10 shortcuts

Using Shortcut  

1-  In case if you wanted to access one particular excel (any application) file using RUN short cut Right click on blank area ->New ->Shortcut ->On next window you need to browse your file  -> Type a name for the short cut -> Press Finish

2- Cut that shortcut file and past in 'C:\Windows'

3 -  Open run cmd and type your shortcut file name

Custom Shortcut using CTRL+ALT

1- Enter 'explorer shell:AppsFolder' in Run

2-  In case you wanted to setup short cut for Notepad , Right click on Notepad -> Open file location ->Right click on the Notepad.exe application-> Properties -> Press CTRL and choose the shortcut letter
3-  To open the file press CTRL+ALT+ Shortcut letter

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