Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cisco Unfied Communication Manager Installation

Following are the pre-installation tasks to ensure the successful installation

·         Verify the integrity of any new server hardware
·         Ensure that your servers are listed as supported hardware and sized appropriately to support the load of the cluster
·         If we are using NTP, verify the first node can synchronize with the NTP server before install a subscriber node.
·         Do not run NAT or PAT between Cisco Unified Communications Manager nodes
·         If we use DNS, verify that all servers CUCM are properly registered in DNS.
·         Obtain a Cisco Unified Communications Manager license file.
·         Record the configurations settings for each server

Collect following details before start the  installation

CUCM Installation Media
Hostname of the Server
Free IP Address for   CUCM server
Subnet Mask
Default Gateway
DNS Server
Domain Name
NTP Server
Time Zone of the Location
Application Administrator  Credentials
OS Administrator Credentials
Security Password
Certificate Information

  1          Installing CUCM Server on the Publisher Server

1.1    Insert the installation DVD into the tray and restart the server.
1.2    Insert the installation DVD into the tray and restart the server.  
1.3    To perform the media check, choose Yes. To skip the media check, choose No 

                            The media check checks the integrity of the DVD.

1.4    In the Product Deployment Selection window, select the product CUCM to install; then, choose OK. You can choose from the following options:

•    Cisco Unified Communications Manager

•    Cisco Communication Connection

•    Cisco Unified Communications Manager Business Edition (includes Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Communication Connection)

Note: If your server does not meet the exact hardware requirements, it won’t show the Product Deployment Selections.

1.5    In the Basic Install window, choose Continue to install the software version on the DVD
1.6 The Platform Installation Wizard window displays, choose Proceed and continue

1.7    Choose the type of installation

•    To upgrade to a later Service Release of the software during installation, choose Yes. Continue with the "Applying a Patch" section.

•    To skip this step, choose No.

1.8    In the Basic Install window, choose Continue to install the software version on the DVD

 1.9    When the Time zone Configuration displays, choose the appropriate time zone for the server and then choose OK.

1.10    Choose the duplex mode for the network interface card (NIC), either Full or Half

1.11    Choose SMTP settings; you can change the entry after installation by using the following CLI command:
CLI = set network mtu. If you are configuring the MTU setting must be the same on both servers in a cluster.

 1.12    For network configuration, you can choose to either set up a static network IP address for the node or to use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). Static IP addresses are recommended. If you use DHCP, use static DHCP.

Static network IP configuration
 1.13    DNS Client Configuration window, To enable DNS, choose Yes, enter your DNS client information, and choose OK

Note: Make sure that all CUCM servers are properly registered in DNS. 

 1.14    Administrator Login Configuration window, Enter your Administrator login and password

Password should be at least six characters long. Admin account will be used for following purpose.

·         Administrator login to log in to Cisco Unified Communications Operating System
·         CUCM command line interface
·         Disaster Recovery System.

1.15    The Certificate Information window enter your certificate signing request information and choose OK.

1.16    When the First Node Configuration window displays, Choose Yes to continue with CUCM publisher installation

1.17  Enter the hostname or IP address of one or more network time protocol (NTP) servers with which you want to synchronize.

1.18    Enter the security password. Servers in the cluster use the security password to communicate with one another.
Note:  Save this password. For a CUCM cluster, you will be asked to enter the same security password for both the publisher and subscriber servers

1.19    Enter the hostname or IP address for the SMTP server that is used for outbound e-mail.

1.20    Enter the application password. Application account will be used for following purpose
•    Cisco Communication Administration
•    Cisco Communication Serviceability

1.21    In the Platform Configuration Confirmation window choose OK to start installing the software, if you want to change the configuration, choose Back

1.22    Once the installation process completes, you get prompted to log in by using the Administrator account password

2.    Installing CUCM Server on the Subscriber Server

Note: Before installing subscriber node make sure that the subscriber entry is added in publisher, choose Server -> CUCM and enter the IP address or host name of the subscriber node

There is no much difference with Pub installation ,

In the node Configuration window choose No and continue with the subscriber node 

 Choose NO to proceed with installation.

In the Database Access Security Configuration window enter the publisher details to sync Sub database with Pub

Note: Make sure that Subscriber DNS entry added in DNS server. If the DNS entry is not added in DNS server
Platform Configuration window prompt following error.
