Monday, November 21, 2011

Cisco IP Phone - SSH login

Step 1: go to Device phone configuration page and configure the SSH login user name and password and reset the phone.

Step 2: SSH to the phone using that username and password.
It would prompt again. Enter user debug and password debug

· show command and ” ? “ will give you entire command details

Sample Commands

clear call history

show brightness
show call-history summary
show config network
show cpu
show power
show stream active all
erase all settings
reset factory
show stream active all


If you are not able to login SSH , download the cnf.xml file and check the config file.
Check if the user name and password is updated on the cnf.xml
Here is the cmd for that : tftp GET SEPFCFBFBCA1B1B.cnf.xml

SQL Query to check SSH enabled or not

run sql SELECT,,"SSH Enabled" FROM Device,TypeModel,DeviceXml4k WHERE DeviceXml4k.fkDevice=Device.pkid AND Device.tkModel=TypeModel.enum AND xml LIKE "%0%"

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