Sunday, October 7, 2012


Reference -CUEAC

admin:run sql select count(*) from enduser where telephonenumber = ''

--->To see total count of null extn

run sql select first 1 * from enduser where pkid > ‘

IF telephoneNumber of the next user is NULL use this query:

run sql select first 1 * from enduser where pkid > '05dee781-dd86-49f5-a2c4-4b2f59f3867a' and telephonenumber != ''

Once we find the bad user –

run sql update enduser set telephonenumber = '’ where pkid = ‘BAD USER PKID’

EAC Troubleshooting.

Login to the database using sa account.

System Databases -> ATTCFG

Then execute the below comman.

select * from dbo.Contact_Header order by Source_Unique_ID

--> To see the total LDAP users on EAC

And if you stuck with any time scroll down and select the last source unique id and copy it and execute the below command.

:run sql select first 1 * from enduser where pkid > '51ad91da-8860-4969-a56e-f04d1c77c971'

And then find it out where its getting stuck. (for ex:- if its stucking at the telephone number then run the below command to edit the telephone number.

run sql update enduser set telephonenumber = '+886-2-2176-9552' where pkid = '"

Hardware Conf/Trans configuration

sccp local

sccp ccm (CUCM IP) identifier 2 version 7.0

sccp ccm (CUCM IP) identifier 1 version 7.0

sccp ip precedence 3



sccp ccm group 1

associate ccm 2 priority 1

associate ccm 1 priority 2

associate profile 2 register TRAN

associate profile 1 register ConfBridge


dspfarm profile 2 transcode

codec g729r8

codec g729br8

codec g711ulaw

codec g711alaw

codec g729ar8

codec g729abr8

maximum sessions

associate application SCCP

#Once configured give no shut to activate the profile

dspfarm profile 1 conference

codec g711ulaw

codec g711alaw

codec g729ar8

codec g729abr8

codec g729r8

codec g729br8

maximum sessions

conference-join custom-cptone Conf

associate application SCCP

#Once configured give no shut to activate the profile

config t

no sccp


Friday, September 7, 2012

Audit Logs on Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM)

Cisco router - Password recovery

1. Reload the router and press  Ctrl+Break

2. change the router register value to boot from flash and then reset
   rommom# configreg 0x2142
   rommon# reset

3. Boots with intial config mode - Press No

4. Copy startupconfig runningconfig

5. reset the password - enable password xxxxx

6. change to old register value

   config-register 0x2102

7. no shut on all the interface.

8. save - wr

Friday, February 24, 2012

Mobile Voice Access on CME

Here TCL script(clid_col_npw_npw) is already built in with CME

Upload following files to CME Flash:


service clid_col_npw_npw
param uid-len 10
param pin-len 4
param retry-count 2

aaa new-model
aaa authentication login h323 local
aaa authorization exec h323 local
aaa authorization network h323 local

username 01234

dial-peer voice 160 voip
service clid_col_npw_npw
destination-pattern 419
session target ipv4:
incoming called-number 419
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric h245-signal
codec g711ulaw
no vad

Reference Link:

Useful Show commands:

show call application voice
show call application summary
show call application history app-level

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

CME Upgrade

Step 1- Check the CME/IOS Compatibility Matrix

Here is the CME/IOS Compatibility Matrix Doc

If you have CUE check the following matrix as well
Step 2- Cisco CME is IOS based feature , hence once we upload new IOS to router , CME version automatically would change

> show telephony-service

Enter the above command to see the CME ver

To load new firm ware files, check this

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

CUE debug cmds

show voicemail notification queue email

no trace all

clear trace

trace voicemail msgnotif all

trace configapi smtp debug

trace entitymanager NotifDevice all

trace smtp all

sho trace buffer tail

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Cisco Unity Express License Upload

Step 1- Configure a FTP server and copy license file to FTP directory.

Check ftp status using following DOS commands
Telnet 21

Step 2- Upload CUE license into CUE using below command

License install ftp://:@/License file name.lic

Eg:- license install ftp://cisco:cisco121@

Step 2 – Reload

Use this command to reboot the module:

Service-module# reload

Step 3 enable

Use this command to enter Privileged Exec Mode:

Service-module# enable

Step -4 Use following commands to check the license status

#show license all

# show license in-use

# show license status application